Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well I know that it has been forever since I have written, but I finally have internet and a computer again. God has blessed us so much through the fire. We have what seems to be a brand new house minus the disaster the first builders did on my sheet rock job. We have new living room furniture, computer, desk, refridgerator, microwave over the stove, a new stove and kitchen table with seating for 8 on the way. It is square thanks to Rachel who turned me in that direction!!!! What a great idea Cuz. Caleb is growing like a week and will be 3 months tomorrow. When I figure out how to put videos up I will tape him and do just that. Mine and the boys asthma is acting up through this weather. Never fails when fall rolls around. Jenny and I are getting ready for the Hooplah at church. I am about to complete my fourth week back at work. I guess this pretty much catches everyone up. Let me know what you think.


Rebecca said...

I think you should post pictures of your house. I need to see it in all it's cuteness!! How is work going for you?

Rachel said...

Good update!!! And I am glad that I could help you in your kitchen table decisions!! Where did you get yours from? And next time I am down I will have to come by and check it out!! I think that we are coming down on Halloween to go to your Hooplah!

jessica said...

Thanks for the updates! Rae can show you how to post a video when she comes down next time.