Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Oh my word!!!! I thought all the people at school were crazy. Then I found out most of my cousins were crazy. Then I found out my mom and aunt had joined the loony bin too. So what was a girl to do, I got the book and started to read to find out what was so great about a stupid vampire. Now, I must confess, I figured I would find out these people were just jumping on the band wagon but I must again confess, I have been bitten by Edward!!! Oh my word!!!!! What a book! What a movie! I am reading the second book and can't wait for more. Having five children makes it difficult to get a lot of reading time, but I am working on it. I saw the movie today and I must say that some of the characters weren't what I pictured at all and some were dead ringers! Dr. Cullens I must say was much cuter than I pictured!! So, all you folks out there who have already fallen for Edward, I am right there with you baby!!! Happy Hunting!


Jill said...

So glad you joined the band wagon. I'm on book two as well.

Rachel said...

So glad to hear you've too been Bitten... Edward has that affect on people...

Amy Tarleton said...

glad you're on board even though you love the bloodsucker.

Syari said...
