Monday, February 9, 2009

My Crazy Life

Sometimes, I feel that my life has to be the craziest thing around. Since Christmas, it seems, we have been running non-stop. We are at church on Sunday, Monday for basketball practice, Wednesday for church, Thursday for basketball practice, and all day long on Saturday for games. Madison has auditioned and is in the cast of The Children of Eden to be performed at the Social Circle Theater. There will be six shows at the end of April. Right now, she practices only on Saturdays, but as we get closer the practice time increases.

Madison gave us a scare this past week when she had to have her appendicts removed. One minute she has a stomach ache and a slight fever, we go to the doctor, we see a surgeon, and the next thing I know is we are at the hospital and I am frantically making phone calls to people before they wheel my daughter off into surgery. She did great. We spent the night at the hospital. She is still a little sore but headed back to school tomorrow.

Caleb still has a knot on the back of his head. It appears larger as his head grows bigger but still measures the same. His head is also growing disproportantly to his body so we had to go have an MRI done today. They sedated him. He is so fat that it was difficult to find a vein for the IV. The nurse was good though and got it the first time. He cried. I cried. Travis teared up. Then, they put him to sleep right there in my arms. Told Travis, I felt like someone who just had their pet put to sleep in their arms. Only difference is mine gets to wake up and live. Thank goodness. He did fine. Woke up a little drunk. Have to wait a few days for the results. That kinda sucks.

Colton is talking so well now. It is funny to finally understand what he is saying. Caleb is doing the eating thing and can scoot in a circle. Andrew was the student of the month. He is such a special little boy to me. My angel and my pride and joy. He is so smart, and his teacher can't say enough positive, good things about him. Just makes my year. Madsion is doing great in school still. She loves school this year and has the best teacher one could hope for. Taylor is still Taylor. Doing well in school, except Language Arts where she procrastinates to the last minute and gives me a heart attack over her grades. So far, she ends up with a good one before report card, but I am insisting that she get her act together now.

Travis has started his job at UPS. Been there almost two months. He averages only about 3 hours a night right now, but this is for the future. He just has to suffer through the mess for a few years. He is looking forward to racing this season.

And as for me, I am ready for the world to slow down so I can enjoy it. I feel so stressed from everything with the kids, Travis' job and lack of sleep, trying to keep the house clean when we are never there to do anything (how does a house get to be a mess when you are never home?) and wishing it would snow. I miss the snow. I love the snow. Love the way it looks, feels, and the peace it seems to bring to the Earth. SOOOOOOO, bring on the snow Lord. Please for me!!!

Anyway, that about wraps this up. Hope you all find this new year to be off to a great start and hope mine slows down and turns around.


Jill said...

With the 70's today, I think your snow is not going to happen anytime soon.

Rachel said...

Sorry about all of the craziness going on!! Any info on Caleb?

jessica said...

Thanks for the update. I never know anything anymore.

Syari said...